Ziqri dah 3 months today! Wah...Sekejap jer anak ibu dah besar :-). Cepat betol masa berlalu. So, what do i expect from my baby? Sila la klik kat sini yea >>> Milestone Chart.
Bila dah tgk chart tu mesti lar terpikir-pikir lak kan...Is my baby developing normally?
Answer: Remember, each baby is unique and meets social milestones at her own pace. These are simply guidelines to what your baby has the potential to accomplish -- if not right now, then shortly. And if your baby was born prematurely, you'll probably find that she needs time before she can do the same things as other children her age. Don't worry. Most doctors assess a premature child's development from the time she should have been born and evaluate her skills accordingly. If you have any questions at all about your baby's development, check with your doctor.
So, ibu2 tak yah lar risau kalo anak kita tak dpt buat apa yg sepatutnya dia buat mcm dlm chart tuh. Chart tu kan guideline jer. Cheh...ayat penyedap hati, hahaha...
Walaupon mlm tak cukup tido, tapi mmg seronok tgk development dia. Rasanya semua ibu will feel the same way, kan? :-). Now mlm Ziqri dah tido lena. Kalo dia bangun pon sbb nak susu. Time kitorang bukak puasa dia tido. So, senang ler skit nak buka puasa. Time sahur, kol 4.00 dia dah bangun. Lepas bagi susu dia dok diam walaupon tak tido. Dapat ler makan ngan aman :-).
Bila dah 3 bulan, it's time for Ziqri to get another jab. Blh rfr kat table bawah ni jab utk apa yea...
Aisehman...nak tgk dia kena jab ni yg tak sanggup. Kesian dia...Sure nangis punya. Hopefully dia tak demam lepas kena jab tu.
Sempat attend wedding sebelum fly
8 hours ago
bagi sirap pcm siap² sebelum pegi cucuk. mama ajar.
teh - sirap pcm tu mana nak dpt?
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