12 November 2010

What Can Money Do or Not Do?

Hahhaha...tetiba pagi-pagi dah cite pasal duit apa kes? Bukannya apa...pindah umah ni mmg byk keluar duit. Ada jer gatal tangan nak beli itu ini. 

Ye lah...dulu dok umah sewa boleh la bagi alasan takmo beli barang sebab nanti nak pindah malas nak angkutkan? Dah kalo duduk umah sendiri...tak kan takmo tgk umah cantik. Ye dok? Sekurang2nya...puas ati la tuan umah nak dok terperap dlm umah pon ;-).

Bila duit udah byk keluar tuh...harus la kena planning balik duit. So, aku pon merajinkan diri la bukak website AKPK. Eh, korang penah pegi baca website situ dak? Bagus lah. Mmg byk la tips yg aku rasa eh eh...betol, boleh guna la tips nih. Ha...kalo korang nak tau lebih lanjut pegi la website AKPK tuh. Mmg byk membantu utk planning kewangan.

Tapi dlm byk2 artikel tu...aku mmg tertarik betol ngan ayat kat bawah nih...

While our culture says money is the answer to all our problems, we also hear that money is bad: Money is the root of all evil. Money corrupts! Let’s take a look at what can money do or not do:

“It can buy a house, but not a home.
It can buy a bed, but not sleep.
It can buy a clock, but not time.
It can buy you a book, but not knowledge.
It can buy you a position, but not respect.
It can buy you medicine, but not health.
It can buy you blood, but not life.”

So you see, Money isn’t everything!

So...pandai2 lah merancang duit sendiri (ingatan pada diri sendiri).

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